Case Checked Out

This article will show you what to do when you have the case checked out.

The fourth step in the Attorney Referrals process is to determine if you will represent the potential client.

Client contact information

When the case is checked out to you, the potential client's contact information is displayed in the Attorney Referral and in the potential client's Passport. You can contact the potential client to discuss representation.

Next steps once the case is checked out to you

  1. Contact the potential client to discuss representation.

  2. If you schedule a consultation with the potential client, enter the date into the "Consultation Date" field in the Attorney Referral.

  3. Enter your decision in the "Representation Decision" field in the Attorney Referral.

    • If you have made an agreement with the potential client to provide representation, select "I will provide representation."

    • If you have decided that you will not represent the potential client, select "I decline the case." There is nothing more you need to do.

Email reminders

When the case is checked out to you, you will receive email reminders until you enter your representation decision. If you enter a consultation date, the email reminders will be paused until after the consultation date.

Last updated